Hello everyone we are in Montreal or were as when your reading this we will be on our way to Toronto.. We were quite
surprised with Montreal. Firstly they spoke French then English and secondly we
couldn't get over how beautiful and historic the place is - Janine you come from a great part of the world!!!
We got here by greyhound bus which took 8hrs - very cheap tho only cost us 20 quid each.
surprises kept coming

as when we got to our hostel we found that we were sleeping in an old style
Gypsy caravan all in a court yard (Ours is the one with the lights on)... must see to believe. Very cold first
night until we found out we could have a heater..... dam you French - we froze our backsides off!! It is a true travelers hostel everyone is for world peace and writing there own music man....but each to there own and we get on well with them all - we sit outside our caravans chatting and having a few beers.
Our fist night we were dressed as tramps walking round when this Woman called us
into her restaurant. This place was posh and we looked like
we'd just come out of shameless.. Everybody was looking at us in their ties and frocks - Looked at the menu Lobster and steak on offer....2 of those please 10 quid each.....
lol1st day we
just explored both Old and New Montreal. Another hot day. Whe

never we asked
anybody what
to do they always mentioned museums... they
obviously don't know us and we certainly
don't care the Old politics behind the place so we
just did our own Tour.. saw
the shops and
church's etc etc. On the Night we hired a
quady bike and cycled around the harbour.. after we got a
horse and cart and got tour around the place and learned some of the history.. This pound verses dollar is mint everything is so cheap!!

nd day.. Woke up - its chucking it down.. We found out the night
before that there is a Grand
Prix track over on the island they made from the soil dug out to make the metro. Very wet journey but worth it. - thanks for the hats Jan!!!. We ended up seeing the
Olympic village and
walked along the track. - Wildlife running all over the place
eg Otters, big birds, small birds.. rich with no top on
lol After 4 hours of this we were
drenched so decided that Montreal is a lovely place but we needed to pack for our next port of call Toronto..

Thanks for all the comments everybody its good to hear from you all.
All our love
Team RA