Thursday, 27 March 2008

"If Mick wants his clothes back he can go down and get them his bloody self" Down Under Mid June - March 09

After seeing the US we continue our journey down under and experince being called a pom for the first time. We first Fly into Auckland (nz) then plan to travel New Zealand for around 6 weeks ending up Skiing on our birthdays!!!.

After our time is up in NZ we will pop over to Austrailia landing in Melborne then get an internal flight upto Carins. From here we will travel down the east coast ending up in Sydney for Christmas and New Year!! - Amy finds it hard to imagine having christmas dinner on the beach.. Also rumour has it that the Rugby League world cup is on - crack on!!!
The plan is to spend 8 months travelling around the place, but having said that I can see us staying put in a city for a while - not sure which one yet... The hottest I hope and get that tan going..

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