Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Hello from Boston!

We decided to stay a few more days in New York, there was so much to do and see and we just loved it! The place and people were great, they don't half say it how it is and never understood our yorkshire accents, we were even called liverpudlians!! So the last few days in new york were more chilled out, we walked around little italy, soho, and chinatown and went to the statue of liberty. Also walked across Brooklyn Bridge and bought a painting gfrom a spray painting guy who was awesome. After all the sightseeing we just chilled out in central park and played ball games, then to finish off our time in New York we went to a proper Manhattan style cocktail bar, we felt lie we were in Sex and the City!

Went on an all access tour around Madison Sq Gardens yesterday, it was so good seeing all of the basketball and ice hockey locker rooms and arena, we even got to see one of the basketball players shoes - UK size 20! When we walked in the theatre part we even saw Steven Merchant! ha ha lol

We've eventually finalised our plans for the east coast with help (or if you can call it that) from Joey, an old guy at the greyhound info desk who told us we don't need a map as he's got it all in his head, so we asked him if he fancied coming with us! So here is a rought guide to our plans:

- We're in Boston now 23rd - 26th
- Moving onto Montreal on the 26th - 29th
- Toronto 29th - 2nd May
- Niagara Falls 2nd - 5th
- Cleveland 5th - 7th
- Pittsburgh 7th - 9th
- Washington DC 9th - 12th
- Philadelphia 12th - 14th
- Back to New York for our flight on the 15th over to San Fransisco

We're off by bus, Greyhound most likely although to get to Boston we caught the Fung Wah -a chinese bus that only cost us $15 each for a 4 hour ride which was a bit bumpy!!

So far Boston seems more chilled out than NY, and the hostel is great, we've even got our own little apartment at the top. Off for a meal tonight and to plan our next few days here, so we'll keep you posted

All our love Team RA



Mum & Dad said...

You lucky devils. what a great itinerary. Everyone is loving the blog back home. the photos from the airport we sent onto family and friends. If you have any other photos, just email them to Dad and he will copy them onto everyone.
Missing you both but enjoying all the updates as though we are with you
Lots and lots of love

Chris Urwin said...

Hi - great to see you're having such a good time and can't believe how much you've packed in already. Nothing to do here now with no more leaving-do's for you. The mighty Real Mabridge continued their march on Monday with a 13-6 win. Still top of the table, undefeated - we'll save a medal for you when you come back. Keep the news coming. Brgds, Chris

Saundog said...

See one play one Dog, yyeeeesssss!

BenandLucy said...

Can you bring the trainers back with you? Carter needs a new pair!!

BenandLucy said...
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Brother Byrne said...

Now then TEAM RA hope all is well. Loving the blog and all the photos - everywhere you go looks awesome! It seems like you have been away ages but you have done more in a week than most people do in a month - and not only that but your rubbing shoulders with the likes of Mr. Merchant himself now! Keep on coming with the updates as its great to see what you have both been up to and just a little pointer for Rich to keep working on that pitch - the throwing action is great, its just the chin.....brucey, brucey!

Take care and speak soon,

Chris & Lauren xxx

adamhargreaves said...

hey, hey....... good to hear the trip is sailing along. Plans for the east coast look amazing! bought a Wii this morning and just ko'd my bro. 15 and zero now... Getting the practise in for the rematch @ Ben's. If your in Montreal go and see the Canadians at Hockey!!! Janie says, bonjour and try an Italian Resto called l'Academie on the corner of St.Denis & avenue Duluth, you can bring your own booze! Have a good one....

adamhargreaves said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Richard (& Amy) - enjoying your blog - sounds like you are both having so much fun.

I missed you on the day you left NU and I just wanted to say "thank you" for the vouchers what a lovely thought.

I still remember the day you joined and look how well you have done!

Best Regards, Gary Bernard

Nig & Co said...

Hi Rich & Amy, love the diary, you look and sound to be having a fantastic time and seen so much in such a short time. the girls and Nigel say hello and send their love, will print the diary off for Grandad Bill and Barbara.
Take care and keep blogging, can't wait for the next update.
lots of love lydna, nigel catherine & charlotte xxxx