Hello everyone. Its been a while since we have updated the blog but its been a busy week or so. anyway we'll start off in Toronto:
29/04 - we arrived in Toronto via train which was class (compared to our trains at home). Here we spent 3 nights in a hostel that probably is the best one we've stayed in. TV / good people and a big modern kitchen so we started to cook our own food and save the dollar.

1st like always we got our bearings and wandered round, got used to the tube. It was cold but at least it was dry!!! We visited the TV studios where they broadcast everything, the harbour, a few parks, the Rogers stadium and just wandered round the place. Its a nice city... very fancy architecture. That ev

ening we booked a meal at the top of the CN tower. They say its the tallest building in the world but we're sure there is another one, anyway we had a meal in the revolving restaurant seeing the sunset come down over Toronto.. Its a moment that will stick in our minds forever. It was breath taking after I'd overcome my fear of heights!!
2nd day we ended up on Canadian TV!! Purely by chance. We went into a building thinking it was a mu

seum.. It turned out that it was a broadcasting studio. Only employees were allowed in and there we were in the middle of it - lol. Anyway they asked us if we would like to be in the audience of a music show - a bit like MTV, a live broadcast that goes across Canada - so we did. There were bands like Dankes Jones ( never heard of them) but it was a good laugh.. We were behind them and you could see our faces on TV. Have a look on you tube for MOD Canadian much music show.. it might be on.(01/05)
Next stop was Niagara Falls on 2nd May, only a couple of hours on the train so arrived there at luncht

ime. The weather wasn't that great but that meant there was no-one around so no queues for the falls. We dropped our bags off and as we headed to the Maid of Mist we couldn't get over how tacky it was - just like Blackpool/Brid but we loved it. It was the 1st day that it'd opened for the season so it was pretty good timing! We went right up into the mist and only feet away from the falls, it was mint. Afterwards we went right behind the falls in these tunnels although Mai

d of the Mist was definitely better. Got back to our hostel that evening and was faced with the happiest people we have ever met, seriously friendly, every time we walked in they'd shout "hey everyone, its rich and amy!" a little too much after a while...that night went out for the worst Indian we have ever tasted. After the meal we walked across the rainbow bridge into america and saw the falls from that side.
2nd day - we went on a jet boat rafting thing that went right into the rapids at the bottom of the falls, with two oth

er girls from the hostel. They were Level 5 rapids apparently they only get up to level 6. We were dressed up in woolly jumpers, yellow boiler suits and got absolutely soaked but it was worth it,we are somewhere under the water!
That night we went into the Billion dollar casino and saw the falls lit up.
4th May - arrived in Cleveland. Everyone told us it wasn't worth going to but straight away we loved it, its the first city that's not touristy - just like how we'd imagined Americans lived. Here we're staying in a B+B, well its really just a granny flat at the side of someone's house b

ut its really nice and we get a homemade breakfast every morning. So far here we've been to a state park by the sea and had a picnic of hospital food. We didn't realise that Cleveland had a beach!! (we're staying next to a hospital so we thought we'd get some cheap lunch!). Anyway we are staying here for a couple of days. Today we will go and visit t

he Rock and Roll hall of fame. Weather is a bit more like it- hot!!.
Next stop Pittsburgh...
All our love
Team RA xxx
Sounds as though you are having a great time. How jealous am I??
Now then Team RA. By our reckoning you should be in Washington DC by now, Good to see you are heading back into the sunshine! Have sent a couple of emails, one with contact details in LA from Uncle Will. All fine over here, Grandad & Barbara send their love and will send a little message to you when they get surfing! James is 18 this week and Chas is 60 (both on Saturday)so plenty of celebrations over here. Everyone sends their love to you both and almost every next person we bump into are talking about the blog. Keep the updates coming their great!Keep smiling and enjoying yourselves, will speak soon.
Lots and lots of love
Mum & Dad XX
Hello Team RA,
This is a fantastic site, really interesting - absolutely spot on!
Now a small favour. On behalf of all football loving people in Norfolk I have a big favour to ask PLEASE BRING BACK OUR HUCKS !
Yes, quite unbelievably Mr Roeder decided to dispense with the services of the great 'twinkle toes' and it appears that Hucks is heading to the U.S. instead - I'm hoping right into your laps !!!
If you spot him, sign him up for your world tour, cuff him to your rucksacks and deliver him back to the shrine of English football on your return - succeed and you'll gain the freedom of our fair City (there's only one City !!!) - though Mr Roeder will probably not be a happy bunny, but let's worry about that one later.
Many thaks in advance Team RA. We'll keep tracking your progress in the weeks and months to come.
Canaryboy + Team
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