Day 1
This was a short bus journey - only 2hrs so we got to Taupo in good time. Its was a rainy day but that doesn't stop Team RA. It was Amy's birthday weekend so we got ourselves a double room instead of a dorm. We dropped our bags off and headed to H
That night we made friends with a few people and headed for the public hot springs. This is where the locals sit and relax in hot thermal baths (all natural just water in rockpools) caused by the Volcanic Magma running under ground (I sound as though I know what I am on about don't I?) This was mint. We just relaxed under the stars and had a few drinks... Very cold afterwards!!!
Day 2
Amygaters birthday!!!! After she opened a few cards we both decided to skydive! What we were thinking I don't know but its probably the best thing we have both done. We jumped from 15000 ft and had 1min free fall.. I felt a bit like Patrick Swazey in point break ! I jumped first then Amy jumped - how was it Amy? - "Sick man!!!" Truly unbelievable experience!!! happy birthday Amy!!! That afternoon we walked around. I had a go on a hole in one golf game- I had to get the ball in a hole on an island in the lake, didn't win though...
That night we went for a steak which just topped of a brilliant day.
Day 3 Roturua - in English 2 lakes
We arrived at smelly Rotorua. The landscape was created by another Volcanic eruption in 1886.
We arrived in th
A really good night.We saw the tribe do their Haka (the war dance) and they showed us what life was like in a Maori tribe.
Day 4
We head to the Geothermal wonderland where we saw a geezer erupt and bubbling mud pools. Very similar to the craters of the
That afternoon we headed up to the Zorbing area where we Zorbed down a hill.This i
That's about it really.We'll give you another update when we reach Auckland. As for now we're are going on a Peace protest and spread the word about recycling man...
Peace to all
Love Team RA
Why hello you crazy cats,
Happy Birthday day Amy, looks like you had a quality weekend. Congratulations on the skydive, what a buzz that must have been. I'd like to think I would do it but I'm not sure if I could get my head round jumping out of a perfectly good plane.
New Zealand looks like it has loads to offer, a really fun place to be. Also sounds like your meeting loads of new friends which must be well interseting.
Rich I'm not sure why your wasting your money on a Hole in One competition, I've seen you play golf!! You can't hit a set of Sally's with that much water in front of you. LOL
Keep having fun and look after each other.
Hi Richard & Amy,
Happy Birthday Richard and hope you are having a great celebration. I (Auntie Sue) am so jealous that you got to see a Maori tribe perform the Haka and the photo of you both with the inflatable balloon has got to be the best photo we have ever seen!!! For future reference, check out Raffles in Singapore - they do a mean afternoon tea, but make sure you have a Singapore Sling in the Long Bar beforehand! Also make sure you see the Botannic Gardens and Sentosa Island. Take care and enjoy every minute (you obviously already are).
Lots of love
Auntie Sue & Uncle Ian
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