After being out of the backpacking ways for 4 month's we did wonder if we could get back into it - not a problem for Team RA!! Fiji is about 3 hr flight from NZ and we arrived late at night so we stayed in a backpackers lodge near the airport. We got picked up by a so called Taxi but this car was falling to bits!
Our first 5 nights were on the Robinson Crusoe Island. This is an island off the mainland only accessible by boat. After a 40 min boat ride we were greeted by the island band. This island was a back to basics place. With bucket showers, electricity only on until 23:30 and food only served as and when they cooked it, there were no shops or places to go, just us on the island. It was mega! The first night we had some Kava which is the traditional drink over there. Its not a drug but it makes you relaxed and a little numb if you drink loads of it which the locals do!! Its the root of a pepper plant mixed with water and it tastes like mud. There was about 12 of us staying on this island and we all bonded straight away.
We stayed in a little lodge about 10 metres from the beach and in the middle of coconut trees.
We spent the whole day on the island sunbathing with everyone. That afternoon about 90 people came over to visit (only for a few hours) so we joined them in the activities they did which included snorkeling, crab racing and kayaking. Rich also came up with coconut shotput which kept the boys amused for a few hours! That evening Rich went and played with the other lads in the sea while I just chatted to the girls on the beach were we all watched the sunset with a drink around a bonfire. That night we all partied until the early hours we met some marines who were hardcore rum drinkers so rich and andy struggled a little to keep up! We were playing long jump in the sand, holding poisonous snakes (unbeknown to us!) and falling in the sea where there were snakes and sting rays! ha lol. But after every good night comes a bad day and that was very true for us, we both had a few too many, Rich fell into the sea, pulled me down with him and that meant the camera too!! After a few days of drying out it still wouldn't work so we've just bought our 3rd camera in 6 months!! Not only that, he lost his flip flops, ear plug and his t-shirt (luckily he found this the next day) - good night though by all accounts!!!
This was spent getting a boat back to the mainland and then a bus journey into the capital city to try and replace everything we'd had lost/broken - we had to buy some disposable cameras and rich unknowingly bought flip flops with the face of a communist leader on!! Very hungover in the middle of a boiling hot city with people trying to sell us wooden stuff was not a good day!!!!! When we got back to the island it was so funny seeing everyone else hungover still in bed at 5pm, needless to say we didn't drink that night! Althea we did end up doing the conga with the staff around the island! It really did feel like our little island as there was so few of us there.
Day 4
Back to normal today, loaded up with disposable camera and new flip flops we went island hopping. We saw some great islands and did some awesome snorkeling in crystal clear water with skoals of fish swi
Day 5
Our last day on the island, we started off the day waving off some of our friends which was sad, its funny how much you get on with people in such short spaces of time. Anyway we said goodbye and went Kayaking to the Mangroves where we had to duck vines and trees to get to a massive mud pool where we had a huge mud fight with everyone, it was hilarious!! Our last night was spent just chilling out on the beach watching our last sunset there, they wer
Day 6
With our stuff packed and ready to go we remembered we had been given a free massage voucher when we arrived, so
We met everyone on Natadola beach for a BBQ lunch and had chance to chat with everyone and get to know them all (there were about 16 people we'd be travelling with on a bus for the next 4 days). We then headed to a village for a first Fijian village visit. We had to wear sarongs (yep even the boys, Rich looked like a cross between David Beckham and Dame Edna - very gay) We were able to wander around the village, talk to the locals and learn about village life in Fiji, they still have chiefs they have to give all of the food they have farmed/caught to before he dishes it all out to everyone! After this we headed to some sand dunes for sand boarding, this was mint, we had to climb a massive sand dune before flying down it. That night we arrived at Mango Bay, a gorgeous resort on the Coral Coast where we all sat together for tea and drinks.
Day 7
An early start as we made our way to a Rainforest for a 3 hour trek! It started to rain which made it really muddy but the rain soon passed and the sun was out in full force. This trek took up us mud hills, across streams and right into the heart of the rainforest making bridges out of logs and clambering over rocks, it was great. At the end of the trek we had some lunch before getting on some tyres and tubing down the river to waterfalls where we jumped off into little secluded pools. Such a good day but so tiring!! That night again we all had tea together and a few drinks but we soon called it a night, we were too knackered.
Day 8
Another early start to the day as we headed to a Fijian school to be shown around by the pupils. This was a boarding and a
Day 9
A late start as everyone was a bit hungover. It was the Indian festival of light (Diwali) that day so we went to an Indian restaurant for an Indian lunch and to learn about the festival. We cooked our own Roti's (a bit like Naan bread) and ate Indian sweets. All full up on curry we went to a mud pool and hot springs. The hot springs were really boiling hot it was so relaxing, this was our last activity with everyone as after this we headed straight for our hostels in Nadi which is where we flew out of the next day.
All in all a fantastic and jam packed 10 days away, we didn't expect it to be so tiring and full of things to do and see especially the partying! We were so lucky to meet some great people there who we really got on with, it made our trip.
We came back to our house in NZ for a few days to say bye to all of our friends and sort out some bits and pieces. Next stop is Oz, we fly on Monday morning to Cairns - lets hope its hot!!
Speak soon
All our love
Team RA