Amy's contract expired at L'Oreal and I just had a few sessions early in the morning which meant we could plan and spend the last week doing the things we saved to do.
Last Weekend
We have been looking forward to this since we arrived in our house. Alistair's family have a beach house in the Coramandal located in Pauanui, so 49 Duke Street had a weekend trip, all five of us and yes of course our little hariy friend Theo!!
Pauanui is the rich part of NZ where the houses range from 1 million upwards!!The houses are amazing - some having planes outside with a runway at the back which around 30 or so houses share!! Al's house looks onto the beach! We packed Sarah's car and set off after tea on
Me and Alistrair woke up about 6:00 am and went fishing on the beach. We didn't get much but is was a great epxerince - Fishing, looking out at the Sunrise over the Pacfic, you just can't buy.
We got back and all the girls were up and had breakfast ready. After breakfast we went to the hot beach. This is where you dig your own little hotpool which is heated by the thermal activity under the sand. Jesus !!! it got hot, so you just got out to cool down in the sea and jumped back in!
After this we went to where the "Piano" was filmed in Cathedral Cove. This was gorgeous we saw views you can't explain. No dogs where allowed so we left Theo in the car and walked for a couple of hours down and around caves.
We got back and the dog must have got a bit ill to say the least as he was sick and did the worst smelling, wet, sloppy number 2 I have ever smelt all over the car!! ha ha lol. It stank!!
So after a while cleaning it up we drove back to the beach house with us all hanging our heads out of the window.. lol ha
We deicided to go Sea fishing. We hired a boat and headed off for 6 hours of fishing. We went everywhere and the weather was good. It was Amy's first time and guess what.. she caught a 10 pound Baracuda!! lol. It nearly pulled here in!! A great day. There was even a seal that swam under the boat and started playing near us. Amy enjoyed hereslef that much she is going to make fishing her hobby.
After we got back we had a BBQ with the fish we caught and headed back home. It was a great weekend!
I am bored now of writing so I'll pass you over to Amy. I enjoyed my First Monday morning without working! That morning we just chilled out out and pottered. It was a nice day so we went for a walk to Mission Bay and had Ice cream and looked around the place. That evening we went to a Sushi Train Resturant.
Rich was coaching in the morning. We went to Botnay which is where Sarah is from and had a pub lunch. That evening we went to the pictures and got tickets in the Gold Class - Great! we had our own lazy chair and waiter!
We had walk up Mt Eden Volcano which is just 10 minutes walk from our house. We climbed right to the top of the crater and had a picnic lunch. That evening we got a Brian (Ferry) over to Devonport. People here have a great way of life. The ferry leaves every 30 mins and people commute to Auckland to work. The place was lovely and we had Fish n Chips on the beach.
I arranged to get a car from L'oreal and drove to Piha Beach. Saved us a fortune on hiring a car and petrol! This is a black sand beach where the sand is magnetic becasue of all the iron in it from a volcanic explosion!! Really strange. After wandering around there we went to Waikatere Ranges where we did a rainforest walk. To finish of the day we went to Bethals beach, again black sands but this time there were sand Dunes around the place and it was a prettier beach.
Rich did his last coaching session so he's now finished work. It was a rainy day so we just stayed in and wathched a DVD and did some cleaning. That Night Sarah's got a new boyfriend so we had a flat meal and got to know him.
Anita, my friend from L'Oreal took us to Matakana Market which is 1 hour drive away. It was lovely with an old fashioned Folk band playing and farmers selling all different kinds of things. After this we all went for a hot chocolate. Bill Clinton went to the same place when he was over here and we sat in his seat!
That afternoon we sold some Drawers we bought over here and made a profit!!
We have been saving money each week we have been working and decided to go to Fiji with it. We fly out today and will be back in 10 days. We can't wait and will update you all when we get back!!
All our Love
Team RA
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